OpenVPN and Sonicwall Firewall Config????

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OpenVPN and Sonicwall Firewall Config????

Post by myatix » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:33 pm

Hi All,

I am hoping someone might be able to help me with a newbie question...

I have installed my OpenVPN server and tried to configure it with the following setup:

Hostname/IP Address: <External IP of Router (Gateway)>
eth0: <Server local IP Address>
Protocol: UDP
Port: 1194

Admin Web UI
eth0: <Server Local IP Address>
Port: 943

I have also configured my Sonicwall Firewall to allow UDP traffic for 1194 (Inbound) from my Gateway to the OpenVPN server and inbound traffic for port 943 to the OpenVPN server...

Is this correct???

I can browse to the External server IP from the internet and access both the ADMIN and client webpages. Should you provide external access to port 943? What is best practice?

However when I try to connect after having installed the client nothing happens... It just keeps trying to establish a connection...

What am I doing wrong???

I am guessing that my Firewall is blocking something but am not 100% sure how things should be configured...
Do I need to open more ports on the firewall?
As far as I can read I only need 1194 open on my firewall???

does anyone have any experience configuring a sonicwall firewall to allow OpenVPN to work securely???

Can someone please help!

Thanks in advance! :)

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Re: OpenVPN and Sonicwall Firewall Config????

Post by Mimiko » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:20 am

To connect to OpenVPN you have to open and forward port UDP 1194 to OpenVPN server.
What do you whant to accomplish?

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Re: OpenVPN and Sonicwall Firewall Config????

Post by myatix » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:29 am


Thanks for the reply!

I have already setup my NAT policy to allow port forwarding for 1194 to my internal OpenVPN server. Unfortunately I am still unable to connect. I was wondering if any additional ports needed to be forwarded?

I have also allowed traffic over port 1194 in my firewall, but cannot understand why I still cannot connect!

I am getting the following error in the client log...

TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)

Can anyone help?

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Re: OpenVPN and Sonicwall Firewall Config????

Post by Mimiko » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:42 am

Please, do not create multiple topics with the same question.

Please, check the router and how the port is forwarding again. On OpenVPN server check any firewall if is enabled and if OpenVPN is really running.

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