Ios 16.5.1 and new OPENVPN beta, is my config file wrong?

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Ios 16.5.1 and new OPENVPN beta, is my config file wrong?

Post by scriiby » Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:18 am

I'm trying to connect to a azure VPN but I keep getting this error:

Code: Select all

PKey::parse_pem: error in private key:: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line
the certs are self-signed and i think the problem may come from the certifications which I don't really know how to setup correctly to be honest.

Code: Select all

remote azuregateway*******************************
remote-cert-tls server

dev tun
proto tcp
resolv-retry infinite

auth SHA256
cipher AES-256-GCM

tls-timeout 30
tls-version-min 1.2
key-direction 1

log openvpn.log
verb 3

# P2S CA root certificate


# Pre Shared Key
-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----

-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----

# P2S client certificate
# Please fill this field with a PEM formatted client certificate
# Alternatively, configure 'cert PATH_TO_CLIENT_CERT' to use input from a PEM certificate file.


# P2S client certificate private key
# Please fill this field with a PEM formatted private key of the client certificate.
# Alternatively, configure 'key PATH_TO_CLIENT_KEY' to use input from a PEM key file.


this is my config file with the certificates deleted obviously... any help is appreciated

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Re: Ios 16.5.1 and new OPENVPN beta, is my config file wrong?

Post by leland.ballard » Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:51 pm

Did you ever solve this? Having the same issue now as well with iOS. Thanks!

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Re: Ios 16.5.1 and new OPENVPN beta, is my config file wrong?

Post by openvpn_inc » Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:44 pm


At the bottom there is a section for <key> </key> that is supposed to contain the private key. A private key tends to begin with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY---- and not ----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----. The difference is that a private key is a bit of unique cryptographic data, but a certificate contains things like common name, company name, organization name, and so on, and is signed by a CA with a signature. That is completely different.

Is this a copy/paste error or something? Because the <key> </key> section should never contain -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- or such. A certificate does not belong in that section. A private key belongs in that section.

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