Windows Server 2011 Firewall Issues

Scripts with setup, destroy, and modify routing tables and firewall rulesets for client connections.

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Windows Server 2011 Firewall Issues

Post by greenc » Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:59 am

Thanks for reading:
I am having some issues with an openVPN install. I have installed openVPN on a Windows 7 Client (with firewall up and running) and on a Windows 2011 Server (with the firewall disabled). With this configuration everything runs great. I can see all my shared drives, and remote connect into all my workstations. The minute I turn on the firewall profiles for domain, then private, the firewall blocks openVPN, and it stops working. If I disable the firewall, it works again. I created rules in the firewall to allow incoming, and outgoing for all profiles, on 1194 UDP (and I believe the program is exempted from the firewall as well). So, I don't know what possibly could be blocking this.

I don't know what else to do... aside from turning off the firewall, and enabling each rule one by one to pin point the culprit (if it is indeed the rules). I was reading another thread here for Server 2012, and the one response said firewall is a no-go:


I am about to just turn off windows firewall, and add a pfSense firewall to the incoming network connection, but I rather not disable the windows firewall. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated!

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