Definitive Synology Users Room

Official client software for OpenVPN Access Server and OpenVPN Cloud.
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Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:14 pm

Definitive Synology Users Room

Post by mrmrw » Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:31 pm

Hi There,

Been reading these forums for a while but have noticed all the Synology users post all over the place as there is no dedicated topic.

So I am hoping we can all gather here to help each other?


My 1st question is: I'm currently trying to get my iOS Client to connect to the Synology VPN server using the stock Synology server setup - which works perfect on Mac via TunnelBrick etc - but fails with a PolarSSL message on iOS.

I have seem some people suggest modifying my Synology server to not use username/password authorisation but to use certificates instead. I'd rather not hack around my Synology box to do this as the settings will be lost when the software is updated?

Does anyone at all know how to do what I want? Will an iOS client update be released soon to add support? I will literally reward anyone who can help me as i'm pulling my hair out trying to solve all this!

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