New User Questions

Business solution to host your own OpenVPN server with web management interface and bundled clients.
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OpenVpn Newbie
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Joined: Tue May 22, 2012 1:13 pm

New User Questions

Post by ScottyGolden » Tue May 22, 2012 2:00 pm

Hi Guys,

I am new to OpenVPN and would like to make a couple of points.
  • Point one. This product rocks! From what I see this can serve a a complete replacement for Cisco's Anyconnect solution.
    Point two. The client side needs work (at least for the version I am running but we will get to that further on)
So a Good Job and pats on the back go out to all who have worked on this.

Hopefully some of you can help me out with answers for the questions below.

1) Version Numbers - In particular, I downloaded the VMWare Appliance for the Access Server and upgraded it to 1.8.3. On the download pages I see references to versions 2.2.2 as the latest stable version. How is the 1.8.3 version related to the 2.2.2 version.

I also see that there is a OpenVPN 2.3-alpha1 version that has a new GUI. I am guessing that this is a client side GUI but I don't know for sure. Can someone clarify that for me?

2) Support for CIDR notation. In particular I wanted to segment a /24 (254 addresses) into several /27 (30 addresses). Unfortunately, my test is not working the way i would expect. Testing setup is as follows.

VPN Settings:
  • Dynamic IP Address Network:
    Routing: Yes, using routing (advanced)
Group Setting:
  • VPN IP Addresses (Subnets assigned to this group):
    Dynamic subnet ranges for this group (optional):
The results from the Web Page is a message that states is not contained within group subnets

Any help on this would be useful.

3) User Management and Radius.
  • a. Is there a way to use the radius protocol to return the settings for a user. Since the Radius users do not show up in the User Permissions I do not see way to assign them to a group or control the subnets they have access to.
    b. Related to that is there a way to block a user
    c. Also it would be nice to be able to terminate a user's session without blocking him.
Thanks in advance to anyone who have the time to answer these questions.


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