Links to client.ovpn and openvpn-client.msi stored in LDAP

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Links to client.ovpn and openvpn-client.msi stored in LDAP

Post by technoway » Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:11 pm


I have been doing some research to find ways to extract the links pointing to the client configuration files.
I cant find any thing written on the subject.

Normally you would need to log into openvpn admin or client gui to see the config files.

I am trying to write a control panel that will do lookups in the ldap database and display it for my client.
The reason for this is integrated services like email encryption, email account, encrypted DNS and more.
Everything should be manageable in a user friendly control panel.

Currently i have a test configuration with: authentication using openldap, email and openvpnas. Seems to work just fine.

Other things i would like to be able to do with openldap is displaying log reports partly or whole dependent on the user role level of access.
Optimally it should be possible to set a bandwith amount cap. When the client has consumed xx GB the vpn will disconnect.

Any ideas how i can pull the links and logs from openvpnas and make it work with ldap ?


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