OpenVPN TAP adapator error (images)

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OpenVPN TAP adapator error (images)

Post by imfiringmylaser12 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:40 am

Cant seem to get the TAP-Windows adapter v9 for openvpn connect to download / show as a network adapter and has a warning sign in device manager (see pics). I am using installer openvpn-connect-

1. I am using Win 7 home basic service pack 1. I updated windows.
2. I uninstalled and reinstalled OpenVPN (using the designated uninstaller) several times. I have also used its "repair" tool in the installer.
3. I tried checking for more recent driver updates in device manager, but it says I have the most recent one
4. I tried uninstalled TAP-Windows adapter v9 for openvpn connect in the device manager, then reinstalling using the repair tool with the openvpn installer


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Re: OpenVPN TAP adapator error (images)

Post by openvpn_inc » Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:14 pm

Hello imfiringmylaser12,

It is still possible to use OpenVPN Connect v3 on Windows 7. But it must have the required updates for SHA256 certificate driver signing and verification. In the past it used to be only SHA1, but now due to requirements from Microsoft any new drivers must be signed with SHA256, which we do. And Windows 7 originally did not support that. But with the necessary updates, it should support it, and the driver should install normally.

This document from Microsoft has more information on this: ... 15/3033929

There have been some issues reported with this change in Windows 7 and further patches along the same lines were released. But in the end what it boils down to is that your system apparently doesn't know how to verify this driver because it doesn't know how to verify SHA256 driver signing certificates. Installing the necessary updates should solve that.

Aside from this I want to point out that Windows 7 mainstream support ended on January 13, 2015. Extended support ended on January 14, 2020.

Kind regards,
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