After spending an hour farting around looking at this I'm starting to think he's correct in his assessment...emphasis on the ASS in ASSessment. Why? Because it seems absurd to have engineered a product that functions this way.
Code: Select all
Scripted install > renames tap interfaces to something cool like hotness1 > tested = working
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Name: TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 <-- that's our version
Hardware IDs:
tap0901<-- that's our guy
But...if you go to programmatically uninstall "hotness1" with the process that's documented like:
Code: Select all
tapinstall.exe remove tap0901
Is there a way to do something like this?
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sonicwall1 (tap adapter)
watchguard1 (tap adapter)
hotness1 (tap adapter)
somesweet.exe remove hotness1
To me this seems like common sense. If I'm OpenVPN I would say...hey, lots of company's are using our adapter drivers and if we say tapinstall.exe remove tap0901 (or whatever version) it will remove that DRIVER for everyone thus blowing away all those poor taps.
I'm a bit upset at the moment because not only is this the way it seems to be working but other VPN software providers like the previous two mentioned among a million others all seem to use OpenVPN's stupid driver.
Am I insane here or has anyone else had this problem? This is really unworkable.
IF what I'm saying is there documentation on how I can make my own TAP driver and call it something other than "tap0901" so it's "unique" and when I go blow it away I won't touch anyone else's TAPs?
Thanks and thanks for letting me cry like a baby!