I have already found several threads on this topic here in the forum, but have not found a answer. We have an OpenVPN server with the ldap script for AD authentication. My problem is that I always have to specify an OU with the "BaseDN" under <Authorization>, otherwise the authentication fails. But since my users are in different OUs, I need the query on the root domain level. Otherwise I would only think of setting up a separate server for each OU in which users are located, which would be overkill. Do I have a mistake in my config, or am I doing something else wrong?
Thanks in advance for any helpful hints!
Here is my auth-ldap.conf:
Code: Select all
# LDAP server URL
URL ldap://dc01.my.company.com
BindDN "CN=ldapquery,OU=ldap,OU=services,OU=department1,DC=my,DC=company,DC=com"
Timeout 15
FollowReferrals yes
BaseDN "OU=department1,DC=my,DC=company,DC=com"
SearchFilter "(&(sAMAccountName=%u)(msNPAllowDialin=TRUE))"
RequireGroup false
# Default is true. Match full user DN if true, uid only if false.
# RFC2307bis true
# Default is true. Uncomment and set to false if you want to use a Search operation to determine group
# membership instead of Compare. Lower performance, so Compare should generally be used, but Search is
# required in certain LDAP environments.
# UseCompareOperation true
BaseDN "ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
SearchFilter "(|(cn=developers)(cn=artists))"
MemberAttribute uniqueMember
# Add group members to a PF table (disabled)
#PFTable ips_vpn_eng