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PAM Athentication using a script based on PHP or Html, help!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:22 pm
by Rahul
until now i have used to create client accounts manually using this string: useradd username -s /bin/false but i really tired by this manual work.

would someone tell me how to make something like this? or so called "Pam username-password authentication script"? i want to have basically a html/php page within people could signup with username and password and that username and password should work with their vpn accounts.

If you think your Free comment doesn't worth this then i will pay you $2 for giving me direction here for my above mentioned query or send me PM, alternatively, if you do this on my server I'll pay you $10.


Re: Create users for PAM authentication with PHP script

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:57 am
by Rahul
no one wish to reply here? Guys i am paying for your comment ... :)

Re: PAM Athentication using a script based on PHP or Html, h

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:03 am
by dazo
First of all, this forum is about OpenVPN and not how to add PAM user management interfaces. Don't expect people to help you setup or write a user administration tool for PAM using PHP in this forum.

Second, this forum is a community service. Nobody pays to use OpenVPN, PAM or any other open source tools.

If you have bought a license to OpenVPN Access Server, then approach the proper channel for that product. Probably by logging in via this site:

Thank you.

Re: PAM Athentication using a script based on PHP or Html, h

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:08 am
by Rahul
I made a thread because i found it is in: Scripting and Customizations > Authentication Scripts

[Scripts which allow the use of special authentication methods (LDAP, AD, MySQL/PostgreSQL, etc).] did i do wrong then? and my request is not big.

Re: PAM Athentication using a script based on PHP or Html, h

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:40 pm
by EMF
Rahul -- This is a support board for OpenVPN, though, not for Linux. You'd be better off asking your question on a Linux support site instead.

Check your distribution's forums, for example; what you're asking has been done, but is outside the scope of OpenVPN. (I think it may even be in the PHP Cookbook, by O'Reilly, but I may be misremembering.)

Re: PAM Athentication using a script based on PHP or Html, h

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:28 pm
by Rahul
is there anything similar to it? I don't want to use this command "useradd USERNAME -s /bin/false" and
"passwd USERNAME" a help will be very appreciated.

Re: PAM Athentication using a script based on PHP or Html, h

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:48 am
by xauen
Rahul wrote: If you think your Free comment doesn't worth this then i will pay you $2 for giving me direction here for my above mentioned query or send me PM, alternatively, if you do this on my server I'll pay you $10.
Rahul, this is an openvpn forum not a linux forum. If you may see on the other threads, there has already been numerous tutorials about this.
Additionally, please dont make openvpn member like we are cheap persons accepting your payment of $10 for a whole days work or even more. This is not a bargain store.

If you really want, you can contact me at