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Openvpn rdp access on client

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:48 pm
by bob21
I am asking you for your opinion on the problem I am encountering.
Sorry in advance if I don't have the right terms/knowledge ;)

Config OPNsense/Openvpn:
My server has three interfaces:
WAN:193.167.x.x /16
LAN: 192.168.x.x /24

vpn networks:

network from which I access the web interface (on the LAN interface 192.168.x.x):

A client connects to the VPN server, retrieves an IP of 172.29.0.x
From this client, I ping the OPT1 interface, the station on the network, the LAN interface 192.168.x.x as well as other zones that I have entered in the server conf ( For example).

My problem is that from the network, I do not ping the VPN clients in 172.29.0.x.
A tcpdump in ssh on the server shows me a request and a reply:
ICMP echo request, id 1, seq 853, length 40
ICMP echo reply, id 1, seq 853, length 40

But nothing is displayed on the client.

The ultimate goal is to be able to take control of a client in RDP in 172.290.x from my workstation in

In terms of rules, I tried a lot of things.
For the moment everything, on LAN, everything is open bar from in both directions as well as from in both directions.
On OTP open bar in and out.
On WAN: only the rule automatically created OpenVPN Open-VPN-server wizard allow client access

Do you know if what I'm trying to do is possible?
If so, do you have any idea where I went wrong?

Thank you in advance for your answers !