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New Latency Problem After Years Of Use

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 5:16 am
by cas8100
Hi all,

I’m having a new issue and am trying to troubleshoot - hoping the community may have some advice. I have been very happily using OpenVPN on my Ubiquiti Er-X’s for years. The location of my router is in Georgia, USA. Speeds have been more than acceptable. I am currently in South Korea at a hotel whose Wi-Fi I has successfully used this particular VPN several times in the past. On this visit, I’m able to connect, but have little to no connectivity.

My server is intended to be secure and pushes all DNS requests through the remote gateway. Here’s the weird thing…. I have no problems accessing local resources (ie Remote Desktop) on the server LAN, but anything else gets zero connectivity. I have tried bypassing DNS and entering IP addresses directly as well.

A ping test of my server’s DNS and of Google’s ( yields ping times between 200-300ms with 5-10% packet loss.

I have tried this both on the hotel Wi-Fi and on local South Korean cellular. Any suggestions what might be going on? If I hadn’t previously used my VPN successfully on this hotel wi-fi I might just chalk it up to being too far away from my server. Interestingly enough, I have tried on a very similar OpenVPN server in Florida with the exact same results. Any thoughts? Thanks all.

Re: New Latency Problem After Years Of Use

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 5:33 am
by cas8100
Here’s my log file showing configs. Looks just like it has for every connection for the past almost 10 years.. also, client side IP address is on the gateway so I don’t anticipate any conflicts with my 192 addressing.

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] START CONNECTION

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] ----- OpenVPN Start -----
OpenVPN core 3.git::081bfebe ios arm64 64-bit

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] OpenVPN core 3.git::081bfebe ios arm64 64-bit

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] UNUSED OPTIONS
4 [resolv-retry] [infinite]
5 [nobind]
6 [persist-key]
7 [persist-tun]
10 [verb] [3]

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] EVENT: RESOLVE

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] Contacting x.x.x.x:xxxx via UDP

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] EVENT: WAIT

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] Connecting to x.x.x.x:xxxx (x.x.x.x) via UDPv4

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] EVENT: CONNECTING

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] Tunnel Options:V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1558,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA1,keysize 256,key-method 2,tls-client

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] Creds: UsernameEmpty/PasswordEmpty

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:20:58] Peer Info:

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:00] VERIFY OK: depth=1, /CN=xxxxVPN, signature: RSA-SHA256

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:00] VERIFY OK: depth=0, /CN=Server, signature: RSA-SHA256

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] SSL Handshake: peer certificate: CN=Server, 2048 bit RSA, cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH Au=RSA Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA1

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] Session is ACTIVE

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] EVENT: GET_CONFIG

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] Sending PUSH_REQUEST to server...

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] OPTIONS:
0 [redirect-gateway] [def1]
1 [dhcp-option] [DNS] []
2 [route] [] []
3 [route-gateway] []
4 [topology] [subnet]
5 [ping] [10]
6 [ping-restart] [120]
7 [ifconfig] [] []

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] PROTOCOL OPTIONS:
cipher: AES-256-CBC
digest: SHA1
key-derivation: OpenVPN PRF
compress: LZO_STUB
peer ID: -1

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] EVENT: ASSIGN_IP

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] NIP: preparing TUN network settings

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] NIP: init TUN network settings with endpoint: x.x.x.x

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] NIP: adding IPv4 address to network settings

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] NIP: adding (included) IPv4 route

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] NIP: adding (included) IPv4 route

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] NIP: redirecting all IPv4 traffic to TUN interface

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] NIP: adding DNS

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] Connected via NetworkExtensionTUN

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:21:01] EVENT: CONNECTED x.x.x.x:xxxx (x.x.x.x) via /UDPv4 on NetworkExtensionTUN/ gw=[/]


[Aug 02, 2023, 14:22:18] EVENT: DISCONNECTED

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:22:18] EVENT: CORE_THREAD_DONE

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:22:18] EVENT: DISCONNECT_PENDING

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:22:18] Raw stats on disconnect:
BYTES_IN : 18779
BYTES_OUT : 25000
TUN_BYTES_IN : 11228

[Aug 02, 2023, 14:22:18] Performance stats on disconnect:
CPU usage (microseconds): 133959
Tunnel compression ratio (uplink): 2.22658
Tunnel compression ratio (downlink): 2.23799
Network bytes per CPU second: 326808
Tunnel bytes per CPU second: 146455