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EVENT: WARN Proto: Using a 64-bit block cipher

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:51 pm
by Phantomio5533
Hello, everyone!

I hope this is the right section where I can ask my question.

Just today I tried to connect to one of vpn servers in Netherlands. Connection was established smoothly by a programm but after a minute it disconnected me. Then it was again connected, and in two minutes I was disconnected.

It is necessary to mention that from Saturday my vpn worked perfectly. It has happened just today, and I do not know why...

I have downloaded a log file and I found this message:

EVENT: WARN Proto: Using a 64-bit block cipher that is vulnerable to the SWEET32 attack. Please inform your admin to upgrade to a stronger algorithm. Support for 64-bit block cipher will be dropped in the future.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
