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Intent Script SOTI MobiControl

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:52 am
by SleepY
Dear Community,

we ara managing our Android Devices with SOTI MobiControl and need to find a way to Connect and Disconnect an specific Device with a script send through SOTI MobiControl.

I tried to "build" a script but i don't get it working.

The SOTI MobiControl Script Scheme is:

The type of intent can be an activity (-a), a service (-s), or a broadcast (-b).
It is also possible to add an extra to the intent. Extra options are:

b for byte
B for boolean
c for character
d for double
f for float
i for integer
l for long
s for short
S for string

I tried to build the script by informations i got from here ... r-android/ but none of them worked :(

I started testing the simple part by connect the device manualy and disconnect it with the following script:
sendintent -a "intent:#Intent;action=net.openvpn.openvpn.DISCONNECT;B.STOP=true;end;"

but unfortunately it's not working.

Does someone of you guys have an idea??

Kind regards,