Hello guys.
I'm trying to figure this out but i can't really solve it without getting new question.
Switched ISP recently and without my knowing i was placed behind CGNat without the possibility to IPV6. This create some problems with my IP Cam, FTP server and Desktop remote.
I've read that a tunnel could solve this, but i have no idea what to do or how. Tried to read some documents but that made me just ending up with more questions.
Is this even possible for free? Can it be done with CloudConnexa?
Running IP Camera and FTP behind CGNat
- OpenVpn Newbie
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:56 pm
- openvpn_inc
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Re: Running IP Camera and FTP behind CGNat
Hello apexi,
When your Internet connection has a public IP that is reachable from the Internet, then you can access services directly by opening some ports or assigning the public IP to the device you want to reach. If however you only get a private IP, that won't be reachable from the Internet. But you can still reach from your network to the Internet.
To get around this problem you can have a device in your network do an outgoing connection to an OpenVPN server that does have a public IP and therefore is reachable from anywhere on the Internet. Over that outgoing VPN tunnel, traffic can pass back and forth. That way from the OpenVPN server you can reach devices in your network. Connect another device to the same OpenVPN server lets that device access connect to devices in your network through that central OpenVPN server.
So yeah, CloudConnexa is such an OpenVPN server and you can connect your network and a second device to it and they can then communicate with each other.
Kind regards,
When your Internet connection has a public IP that is reachable from the Internet, then you can access services directly by opening some ports or assigning the public IP to the device you want to reach. If however you only get a private IP, that won't be reachable from the Internet. But you can still reach from your network to the Internet.
To get around this problem you can have a device in your network do an outgoing connection to an OpenVPN server that does have a public IP and therefore is reachable from anywhere on the Internet. Over that outgoing VPN tunnel, traffic can pass back and forth. That way from the OpenVPN server you can reach devices in your network. Connect another device to the same OpenVPN server lets that device access connect to devices in your network through that central OpenVPN server.
So yeah, CloudConnexa is such an OpenVPN server and you can connect your network and a second device to it and they can then communicate with each other.
Kind regards,

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- OpenVpn Newbie
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:56 pm
Re: Running IP Camera and FTP behind CGNat
Thanks for the reply.To get around this problem you can have a device in your network do an outgoing connection to an OpenVPN server that does have a public IP and therefore is reachable from anywhere on the Internet. Over that outgoing VPN tunnel, traffic can pass back and forth. That way from the OpenVPN server you can reach devices in your network. Connect another device to the same OpenVPN server lets that device access connect to devices in your network through that central OpenVPN server.
So yeah, CloudConnexa is such an OpenVPN server and you can connect your network and a second device to it and they can then communicate with each other.
Kind regards,
Is there any easy guide out there to solve it? All the guide i've seen se far is way to complacated, or outdated.
I have an account on OpenVPN, OpenVPN connec is up and running when a green status. Now what?