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OpenVPN 2.6.0-I004 versioning scheme

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 3:54 pm
by dcardon
Hi everyone,

I'm doing openvpn client packaging for WAPT and wanted to know more about the versioning scheme of OpenVPN.

I came across the weird numbering scheme 2.6.0-I004, what is the purpose of the I (capital i) in the version number? Actually the MSI properties version is 2.6.009. After installation, the number in the Windows registry is also 2.6.009. So what is the real number? Why is there some discrepancies between the version numbers?

Moreover, on the website , the version 2.6.0-I004 is mentioned as released on the 25th of January, while it has been release on the 6th of February.

Thanks for you time :-)


Re: OpenVPN 2.6.0-I004 versioning scheme

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:03 pm
by dcardon
FWIW, I noticed the stranged naming convention after being burnt by the 2.6.0-I003 bug viewtopic.php?t=35329 . It was not clear from the web site that a new version were out.

Re: OpenVPN 2.6.0-I004 versioning scheme

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 2:39 pm
by stipa

First, we have released I005 yesterday so you might want to update to it.

Regarding the versioning - there are few versions:

- 2.6.0 / 2.6.1 etc - those are OpenVPN project releases

- 2.6.0-I004 - this means "version 4 of OpenVPN Windows client built from 2.6.0 release". Note that OpenVPN Windows client contains multiple components like openvpn, openvpn-gui, drivers (ovpn-dco, tap-windows6, wintun), dependencies (openssl etc). We might need to update a certain component (like openssl or ovpn-dco driver) without making a new openvpn release, so we just increment I004 -> I005. When we make a new openvpn release, this goes back to I001, so for example at some point we will have 2.6.1-I001

- 2.6.009 - this is something users see in "Add/Remove App" Windows dialog. This increments with every release, no matter if we have new openvpn release or just updating some component

Hope that helps,


Re: OpenVPN 2.6.0-I004 versioning scheme

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:41 am
by James8
The version numbering scheme used by software projects can vary, and sometimes it might include characters or patterns that aren't immediately intuitive. In the case of OpenVPN, the version numbering you mentioned, such as "2.6.0-I004," might include elements that convey specific information to developers or users. While I don't have information on the exact meaning of every character in this version number.Tell Popeyes