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3 Connection limit in trial not working as expected

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 12:56 pm
by DingoBlue
I have set up 3 users and they all connect beautifully when required.
For my next experiment in trialling Openvpn Cloud, I have 1 inactive user and 2 active users.
I am now trying to add 2 devices to one of the users but when I try to add a connector to the new device, I am told that I cannot do this as I will exceed my 3 user limit. I enter the required url but I do not get to enter a username and password before I denied “boarding”.

1. My understanding is that I can add connectors but only have 3 active at any time.
2. I understand I can add up to 3 devices to a user, the limit I have in settings, but when I try to add a connector for the device I am told that I cannot do that as I will exceed my 3 user limit.

If I connect 3 devices to a user, does that count as 1 user or 4 users? Have I misunderstood how the system evaluates connector counts/limits? I am concerned as it may affect the number of connectors I need and therefore the $$.
I understood that in the trial and after that trial, I could have as many connectors created as I might need but could only have, using the trial as an example, 3 active at any one time. Am I misunderstanding the limits?

Any help in clarifying my misunderstand would be appreciated as I would like to migrate a customer to this service and I do not want to misquote the solution in any way.

Thank you & regards.

Re: 3 Connection limit in trial not working as expected

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:39 pm
by openvpn_inc

The licensing system counts the number of active VPN tunnels. If you connect 3 devices to a user, you are using 3 connections on the license.
The error you encountered is Max devices per user, by default it is set to 3, meaning only 3 devices can be registered per user.


Re: 3 Connection limit in trial not working as expected

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 2:23 am
by DingoBlue
Hi kionci,
Thank you for looking at my question. I think I over complicated my question. Please let me try again.
Using the Openvpn Cloud Trial...
I have 3 connections set up. 2 are Active, 1 is Inactive. My understanding, using the Trial, is that I can have as many defined Users as I like but ONLY 3 can be Active at any time. If that undertsanding is correct, why does the Trial not allow me to add another User?

I quote from the Openvpn Cloud price calculation page

Cloud subscriptions are based on the needed number of simultaneous VPN connections. Included with your subscription is support and upgrades as well as our official VPN client, OpenVPN Connect.


Re: 3 Connection limit in trial not working as expected

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:16 am
by openvpn_inc
Hello DingoBlue,

The way licensing is set up on OpenVPN Cloud is that you can create as many users as you like, but you're only allowed to have the amount of active VPN connections specified on your license. In case of a trial that means 3 active VPN tunnels. You could have a hundred users but only 3 devices on any of those users can be actively connected at any given time.

But I think that's not the problem in your case. I don't think you're actually running into a limit of creating USERS. I suspect you are running into a limit of creating DEVICES. By default each user can have 3 devices. Most likely you are running into that limit.

You can;

1.) Add a user, which can have another 3 devices attached to it.
You can do this by going to User > Users > Create user.


2.) Increase the limit of devices allowed per user.
You can do this by going to Settings > Users > Device allowance.

If you are indeed running into the problem of adding users I suggest you contact our support ticket system and show them the error message that you're getting. You should be able to have more than 3 users even on a trial.

Kind regards,