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Cloud routing confusion

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:33 pm
by deanfourie
Hi Guys, hoping you can help me.

I'm attempting to use OpenVPN Cloud with pfSense. I have a upstream gateway that I cannot put into bridge mode, so I have ditched the idea of using a VPN server locally.

Thus I went for the cloud option turning pfSense into a "client". I have pfSense connected to my connector and my phone also connected to the same connector.

The issue is I cannot get my head around the routing. How can i get full subnet access across all devices. I want to be able to access the pfSense network from outside, I have added my subnet to the networks section in OpenVPN cloud but still I am unable to access any hosts on from the phone. Do I need to do any local routing on pfSense?

The other thing I noticed was that when connected I get a private address that is not inside that subnet, rather it looks like a public IP.

Can someone please explain to me the steps to get full subnet access to my internal pfSense network and assign other devices a local IP within my pfSense subnet.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Cloud routing confusion

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:55 am
by deanfourie
bump. anyone? Surely I am overlooking something here.