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Client Log Location / connection issues

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 9:46 am
by guymartin

I am having trouble connecting a client from inside a corporate network (which I don't control, but am working with their people) to our server.

The client is installed on a (WinServ2012R2) machine that had no direct access to the internet. The firewall has been opened on the relevant ports (443, 943, 1194) as well as DNS. The machine now how a public IP address with just these ports open.

It can be accessed from inside the network via RDP, and it can telnet to our server address on port 443.

The network interfaces show as "limited" access. When we use the connect client to attempt to connect, it immediately states "no active connection" or similar - i.e. it is not even trying to connect and timing out.

I cannot see any log file, except for agent.log which doesn't tell me much.

What could my next step be?