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How to connect from ec2 windows via vpn to local machine dev

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 3:37 pm
by jwestopenvpn
I have set up a OpenVPN Access Server using EC2 linux instance(Private IP:172 31 4 22).
I have also provisioned another EC2-Windows machine(Private IP 172 31 44 64) and you are able to connect to this windows machine
from your development PC using OpenVPN client.
The VPN connection is successful using the private IP of the EC2-windows instance.
Now, I want my EC2-windows instance to be able to communicate with your development PC
on port 104 through a program installed on the EC2-windows instance.
But my EC2-windows instance is not able to detect your development PC even after
I have established a successful VPN connection.

On openvpn server setup I am using routing instead of NAT.
Both ec2 instances are in the same network interface and they use different subnets.
I have created a route with "Destination" as the Private IP VPN address of my Dev PC and Target
to Network Interface (eni-0045800f26db6889b) of the OpenVPN Access Server.
On Aws panel Networking I disabled Source/Dest check in ec2 linux instance.

So, I have a route in ec2 instance with openvnc as:
172 27 0 0/16 eni-006ce1726d23d27b0 active No

I disconnected and reconnected my openvpn client.

When I try ping my local pc in 172 27 232 3 from ec2 , I have:
Pinging 172 27 232 3 with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Please, Does someone could help me?