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EasyRSA-3.0.5, can't generate ta.key

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:47 pm
by mn918_79Sh
Had to install build-essentials then able to install openvpn-2.4.6 from .tar. Generated all certs and dh.pem just fine with EasyRSA-3.0.5 but just can't generate a ta.key. Command <openvpn --genkey --secret ta.key> doesn't work in folder /etc/openvpn-2.4.6, /etc/openvpn-2.4.6/EasyRSA-3.0.5, or /etc/openvpn-2.4.6/EasyRSA-3.0.5/pki. Also tried <openvpn-2.4.6 --genkey --secret ta.key> in all folders then tried it with /etc/ta.key affixed. I've been tinkering with 18.04 for weeks and think I was able to generate a ta.key on a previous install but not sure.
I had to take this administration over on a Ubuntu Server 16.04 company server and for security reasons I have to configure everything myself. I'm working with Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS now because of enhanced security features.
Any ideas would be of immense help.
Thank you.

Re: EasyRSA-3.0.5, can't generate ta.key

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:13 am
by mn918_79Sh
Message I get is Command 'openvpn' not found, but can be installed with
apt install openvpn

Re: EasyRSA-3.0.5, can't generate ta.key

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:23 pm
by mn918_79Sh
Never mind. fixed.

Re: EasyRSA-3.0.5, can't generate ta.key

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:41 pm
by Fractalogic
What was the solution?