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Can an OpenVPN client be used as a default gateway for another OpenVPN client?

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 11:25 am
by Kei

I'm using OpenVPN since many years and I think I'm quite familiar with OpenVPN and it's configuration.

Currently I'm trying to use an openvpn client as a default gateway for another openvpn client in the same (openvpn) network (topology subnet). I tried to get this up and running with "client-to-client", without "client-to-client" and normal routing and without "client-to-client" together with policy based routing at the server side. None of these tries were successful. The last try is the reason for my question:

Is it possible (in general) to implement this? An if so, can somebody give me a hint how to do so?

I'm asking because of the current result of the policy based routing, which shows the problem much more clear than the other scenarios:

1. The routing tables of the clients and the server are correct (verified with ip route list, ip route get ... and so on)

2. The clients can reach each other (verified with ping).

3. The server can reach the clients (verified with ping)

4. If the first openvpn client try to ping another system on the internet using using its default gateway (the openvpn server which should choose the second openvpn client as a default route because of the policy based routing I configured), the tun0 device of the openvpn server show the correct traffic (incoming tun0, outgoing tun0), but the second client shows no incoming traffic (tcpdump -i tun0).

Man thanks in advance,


Re: Can an OpenVPN client be used as a default gateway for another OpenVPN client?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:51 am
by Kei
I got it up and running. :D

As often, a small configuration mistake caused the problem. Hence I can answer my question now: It is possible to use an openvpn client as a default gateway for another openvpn client in the same openvpn network ("topology subnet") - at least under linux.

I'll try to summarize the solution.

0. Prerequisites
OpenVPN network:
OpenVPN server:
OpenVPN client 1:
OpenVPN client 2:

The public ip addresses don't matter.

The openvpn server is used as the default gateway for the clients as usual.

The openvpn server is NOT using "client-to-client".

Client 1 should uses client 2 as default gateway.

1. Setup kernel routing table(s) on the server side
a) echo "200 vpnclient" > > /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
b) ip route add dev tun0 src table vpnclient
c) ip route add default via dev tun0 table vpnclient
d) ip rule add from table vpnclient
e) ip rule add to table vpnclient
f) ip route flush cache

"b" to "f" have to been executed on every start of the system, "a" only once.

2. Use individual client configurations (client-config-dir)
a) Client 1
push "topology subnet"

# Set a static ip address for this client

b) Client 2

# Don't set the default route to the openvpn server
# (this client should act as a gateway for another openvpn client)

push "topology subnet"

# Set a static ip address for this client


That's it. Of course, there are other things that have to be configured i. e.
- IP forwarding has to be enabled on Client 2 (and on the openvpn server, too)
- Client 2 needs an additional iptables rule like "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -o eth+ -s -j MASQUERADE" because the client will send out the traffic to the internet.
- ...

Hope this helps.

Re: Can an OpenVPN client be used as a default gateway for another OpenVPN client?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 11:36 am
by openvpn_inc
openvpn(8) is by deliberate design forgiving of syntax errors. --topology is a server mode setting, so --push makes no sense here. Only push actual client settings.

Other issue: source NAT on client 2 (the MASQUERADE rule) should not be necessary, if routing rules on the server and clients and clients' gateways are correct. The NAT should be done at the Internet router (default gateway) for client 2.

This is just to set the record straight, as this post was referred to for another question.

straightly, rob0