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CORE_ERROR parse_hex_error on OpenVPN Connect

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:58 pm
by stefank518

I am trying to connect with OpenVPN Connect (iOS) to my OpenVPN server. I have successfully connect with the OpenVPN file which contains all the necessary data on a windows 8.1 system and the openvpn client for windows. When I try to do the same with OpenVPN Connect, I get this error log.

2014-05-01 22:04:46 ----- OpenVPN Start (iOS 64-bit) -----
2014-05-01 22:04:46 EVENT: CORE_ERROR parse_hex_error [ERR]
2014-05-01 22:04:46 Raw stats on disconnect:
2014-05-01 22:04:46 Performance stats on disconnect:
CPU usage (microseconds): 23558
Network bytes per CPU second: 0
Tunnel bytes per CPU second: 0
2014-05-01 22:04:46 ----- OpenVPN Stop -----
2014-05-01 22:04:46 EVENT: DISCONNECT_PENDING

What does the log say? I tried to google it but no hits.

I have been able to connect this way previously with a more or less identical ovpn file.

Anyone that has any clues to share?

Re: CORE_ERROR parse_hex_error on OpenVPN Connect

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 1:52 pm
by yoshiy34
Same here, after hard resetting my pfsense box and creating a new openvpn server it gives a parse_hex_error.

Re: CORE_ERROR parse_hex_error on OpenVPN Connect

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 2:35 pm
by yoshiy34
I solved it by turning off tls authentication.