OpenVPN as Both S2S and Client VPN

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OpenVPN as Both S2S and Client VPN

Post by stevefxp » Fri Jun 09, 2023 12:57 am

Hello all,

I have an OpenVPN server running on my OPNsense firewall. It was setup so that my road warriors could get VPN access from the road. It works well and is setup with MFA included. I now want to create a site to site OpenVPN connection between two locations. My question is can I use the one OpenVPN config, on the OPNsense side, for both connections and how would I make that happen. If not would I have to create a second OpenVPN server and use it for S2S purposes only?


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Re: OpenVPN as Both S2S and Client VPN

Post by Fadim » Fri Jun 09, 2023 11:11 am

Absolutely, you can use the same OpenVPN server for both the client and site-to-site (S2S) VPNs. You'll just need to create a separate OpenVPN instance on your OPNsense firewall for the S2S connection. It's like having a second line running off the same server. Remember, the key difference is the configuration of the client and server side for each of these connections.

As for the specifics on how to set up the S2S on OPNsense, it involves creating a new VPN instance and configuring it with the details of the remote site. Then, simply apply the settings and you're good to go! If you run into any snags, feel free to ask.

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