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OpenVPN 2.4.6 windows install parameters

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:04 am
by jalanga

I know tat openvpn 2.3.18 had some parameters, at installation on windows, like:

S - silent installation
/D=path - specify a custom installation path
Note – the /D parameter has to appear last on the command line, and the path may not be inclosed in quotes. The installer simply takes all of the command line left, and uses it as path (thus supporting spaces in the path).

To select individual OpenVPN components (1 = install, 0 = do not install; the values below indicate defaults):

/SELECT_SHORTCUTS=1 - create the start menu shortcuts
/SELECT_OPENVPN=1 - OpenVPN itself
/SELECT_SERVICE=1 - install the OpenVPN service
/SELECT_TAP=1 - install the TAP device driver
/SELECT_OPENVPNGUI=1 - install the default OpenVPN GUI
/SELECT_ASSOCIATIONS=1 - associate with .ovpn files
/SELECT_OPENSSL_UTILITIES=0 - install the utilities for generating public-private key pairs
/SELECT_EASYRSA=0 - install the RSA X509 certificate management scripts
/SELECT_PATH=1 - add openvpn.exe in PATH
/SELECT_OPENSSLDLLS=1 - dependencies - OpenSSL DLL's
/SELECT_LZODLLS=1 - dependencies - LZO compressor DLL's
/SELECT_PKCS11DLLS=1 - dependencies - PCKS#11 DLL's

In 2.4.6 seems that, this parameters are not working. Where can I find the list of the accepted parameters for 2.4.6 .
I need the most to add openvpn to the path, for 2.3.18 it was SELECT_PATH=1 .

Re: OpenVPN 2.4.6 windows install parameters

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:24 am
by jalanga
What I found in the in openvpn.ns, that accepted parameters are:

!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecAddShortcutsWorkaround} SELECT_SHORTCUTS 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecOpenVPNUserSpace} SELECT_OPENVPN 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecService} SELECT_SERVICE 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecTAP} SELECT_TAP 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecOpenVPNGUI} SELECT_OPENVPNGUI 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecFileAssociation} SELECT_ASSOCIATIONS 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecOpenSSLUtilities} SELECT_OPENSSL_UTILITIES 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecOpenVPNEasyRSA} SELECT_EASYRSA 0
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecAddShortcuts} SELECT_SHORTCUTS 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecLaunchGUIOnLogon} SELECT_LAUNCH 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecLaunchGUIOnLogon0} SELECT_LAUNCH 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecDisableSavePass} SELECT_DISABLE_SAVEPASS 0
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecOpenSSLDLLs} SELECT_OPENSSLDLLS 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecLZODLLs} SELECT_LZODLLS 1
!insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecPKCS11DLLs} SELECT_PKCS11DLLS 1

But the parameters SELECT_PATH is not present, there is a way to add openvpn to path at install?

Re: OpenVPN 2.4.6 windows install parameters

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 12:43 pm
by TinCanTech
The OpenVPN-2.4.x Windows installer no longer changes the Windows PATH .. so this may have been removed.

I cannot find any useful docs for the rest of those options ..