unable to connect to OpenVPN Server - JSONDialog error

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unable to connect to OpenVPN Server - JSONDialog error

Post by gjgpaul » Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:13 pm

Hello there,

I have configured an OpenVPN server (2.1.9) on AWS. I have several users connection to it without any problem.
Nonetheless, I have a user running on MAC 10.13 and using OpenVPN client that cannot establish the connection to the server, getting the following error message :

JSONDialog: Extra data: line 1 column 16 - line 6
column 1 (char 15 - 270)

I researched this and found a couple of issues that could be related to it, but none is applicable to my case.
This user has admin privileges on his computer and also I know that the rest of the MAC users connecting to the server have SIP enabled.

You can find below his logs. I couldn't spot anything related on the server logs.

2017-11-22 10:47:02+0200 [-] vpn_start: JSONDialog: Extra data: line 1 column 16 - line 6 column 1 (char 15 - 270): client/cliset:552,internet/defer:746,client/jsondialog:47,client/jsondialog:43,json/decoder:367 (exceptions.ValueError)
2017-11-22 10:47:02+0200 [-] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Poll args=['sess_<IP>_dynamic_p7972_HEmlPOYrhPc0e5aF_1', 10] kw={} ret=[{'timestamp': 1511340422, 'info_type': u'exceptions.ValueError', 'type': 'INFO', 'severity': 'error', 'value': u'JSONDialog: Extra data: line 1 column 16 - line 6 column 1 (char 15 - 270)'}]
2017-11-22 10:47:02+0200 [-] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Poll args=['sess_TrackActiveProfiles_hsI9hSX28xyMJ0eb_2', 10] kw={} ret=[{'timestamp': 1511340422, 'state': 'disconnect', 'profile_id': '<IP>_dynamic_p7972', 'type': 'PROFILE'}]
2017-11-22 10:47:02+0200 [HTTPChannel,2663,] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Poll args=['sess_<IP>_dynamic_p7972_HEmlPOYrhPc0e5aF_1', 10] kw={} ret=[{'timestamp': 1511340422, 'type': 'DELETE_PENDING'}]
2017-11-22 10:47:12+0200 [HTTPChannel,2665,] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Poll args=['sess_TrackActiveProfiles_hsI9hSX28xyMJ0eb_2', 10] kw={} ret=[{'type': 'PROFILE', 'state': 'connect', 'profile_id': '<IP>_dynamic_p7972', 'cookie': 'TRAY_CLIENT_ZHZhc3Nvcw==_n65lPOAM', 'timestamp': 1511340432}]
2017-11-22 10:47:12+0200 [HTTPChannel,2665,] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Connect args=[{'new_only': True, 'cookie': 'TRAY_CLIENT_ZHZhc3Nvcw==_n65lPOAM', 'profile_id': '<IP>_8_dynamic_p7972', 'type': 'dynamic', 'non_interactive': False}, ['STATE', 'PASSWORD', 'ACTIVE', 'CERT_APPROVAL', 'INFO', 'CONNECTED_USER', 'FATAL', 'SCRIPT', 'CHALLENGE', 'DELETE_PENDING', 'NOTIFY', 'RSA_SIGN', 'CONNECT_TIMEOUT', 'BYTECOUNT'], {}] kw={} ret='sess_<IP>_dynamic_p7972_5dlIY5uSivjgvMcx_1'
2017-11-22 10:47:12+0200 [HTTPChannel,2667,] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Poll args=['sess_<IP>_dynamic_p7972_5dlIY5uSivjgvMcx_1', 10] kw={} ret=[{'status': 'need', 'timestamp': 1511340432, 'need': ('username', 'password'), 'type': 'PASSWORD', 'auth_type': 'Dynamic'}]
2017-11-22 10:47:15+0200 [HTTPChannel,2669,] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_SubmitCreds args=['sess_<IP>_dynamic_p7972_5dlIY5uSivjgvMcx_1', {'username': 'dvassos', 'password': '[redacted]'}, 'Dynamic', True] kw={} ret=None
2017-11-22 10:47:15+0200 [Uninitialized] OpenSSL web ciphersuites: DEFAULT:!EXP:!PSK:!SRP:!LOW:!RC4
2017-11-22 10:47:16+0200 [XMLProxyQueryProtocol,client] ProfileSignatureVerify.verify: <depth=1 err=X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN: self signed certificate in certificate chain subj=<X509Name object '/CN=OpenVPN Web CA 2017.09.25 12:59:14 UTC openvpnas2'>>: client/profsig:15,pki/sign:238 (pyovpn.pki.sign.CertVerifyFailed)
2017-11-22 10:47:16+0200 [XMLProxyQueryProtocol,client] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Poll args=['sess_<IP>_dynamic_p7972_5dlIY5uSivjgvMcx_1', 10] kw={} ret=[{'timestamp': 1511340436, 'info_type': 'DYNAMIC_SUCCEED', 'type': 'INFO', 'severity': 'info', 'value': 'dynamic profile access succeeded'}]
2017-11-22 10:47:20+0200 [-] vpn_start: JSONDialog: Extra data: line 1 column 16 - line 6 column 1 (char 15 - 270): client/cliset:552,internet/defer:746,client/jsondialog:47,client/jsondialog:43,json/decoder:367 (exceptions.ValueError)
2017-11-22 10:47:20+0200 [-] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Poll args=['sess_<IP>_dynamic_p7972_5dlIY5uSivjgvMcx_1', 10] kw={} ret=[{'timestamp': 1511340440, 'info_type': u'exceptions.ValueError', 'type': 'INFO', 'severity': 'error', 'value': u'JSONDialog: Extra data: line 1 column 16 - line 6 column 1 (char 15 - 270)'}]
2017-11-22 10:47:20+0200 [-] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Poll args=['sess_TrackActiveProfiles_hsI9hSX28xyMJ0eb_2', 10] kw={} ret=[{'timestamp': 1511340440, 'state': 'disconnect', 'profile_id': '<IP>_dynamic_p7972', 'type': 'PROFILE'}]
2017-11-22 10:47:20+0200 [HTTPChannel,2672,] *** API CALL f=xmlrpc_Poll args=['sess_<IP>_dynamic_p7972_5dlIY5uSivjgvMcx_1', 10] kw={} ret=[{'timestamp': 1511340440, 'type': 'DELETE_PENDING'}]

Waiting for your feedback


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