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Need to Route Each VPN User's Traffic To Different http/https Proxy

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:25 pm
by rohitpateldgm
I have come up with some odd situation here. I need to route each users traffic to different http/https proxy. I don't want to connect to vpn via proxy I need to route each user to different proxy after the VPN connection so be clear for that. My connectivity flow will be like " VPN Client -> VPN Server -> Proxy -> Internet ". At present I have to connect 50 client devices to the server I will purchase 50 http/https proxy means 1 proxy for each client. I will connect those devices to the server by client application and then I want the server to push each user's traffic to specified http/https proxy allotted for him.
You will think why I need this kind of setup let me answer, The client I work for he lives in China and he has multiple android devices to run some social media tasks. Now the situation is as you know external social media are blocked in china. We have tried to access social media by direct proxy connection but The Great Firewall of China always detects our activity behind the proxy and instantly block us from accessing Facebook, Instagram etc. So I thought I will need to encrypt the connection between client and server and then apply some kind of routing behind the server to send each user's traffic to different http/https proxy allotted for him. I have tried some VPNs and made some research also so I found OpenVPN still works good than others. So I try it. OpenVPN has proxy push feature but it will not work in my case. Because I need to route to proxy after the VPN connection. Help is appreciated and if any one who think he can do this customization for me I can pay his fees.