Large Bandwidth overhead?

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Large Bandwidth overhead?

Post by NR » Fri Jan 03, 2020 9:56 pm

Troubleshooting client speed issues, I'm discovering these Azure OpenVPN community servers are experiencing extreme bandwidth overhead issues.

Openvpn Server connects out to the internet at 8800D Mbps and 1300U Mbps using speedtest( To troubleshoot I fired up a small client on Azure to do some testing in the same region (much smaller / less expensive tests at 2500D Mbps, 900U Mbps) with the connection OFF, with it on (and using a serial console to monitor) it tests at 80D, 38U. 97%? Data rate loss? CPU usage on the client or server side never goes past 1-2%

I've tried messing with the MTU sizes / mssfix. Changing the cipher from AES-256-GCM to AES-256-CBC and also AES-128-GCM. What is missing or not right here? Help is very much appreciated.

Example server config with info removed:

port fakeport
proto udp 
dev tun 
ca x.crt 
cert x.crt 
key fakekey1
dh x.pem 
topology subnet 
server x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
ifconfig-pool-persist /var/log/openvpn/ipp.txt 
push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp" 
keepalive 10 120 
tls-auth ta.key 0 
cipher AES-256-GCM
max-clients 100 
log-append  /var/log/openvpn/openvpn.log 
verb 3 
explicit-exit-notify 1 

Example client with info removed:

verb 3
dev tun
proto udp
remote x.x.x.x fakeport
resolv-retry infinite
remote-cert-tls server
cipher AES-256-GCM
key-direction 1
reneg-sec 0

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