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New clients will not connect to AS 1.8.3

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:30 am
by garya
Hi all,
I have been running AS since early this year for several remote working users without too many problems.
Yesterday I have upgraded my Debian Lenny (Ubuntu package) from AS 1.7 to 1.83, as I experienced very frequent disconnections in the last few days. The old V1.7 OpenVPN Connect Clients (I need auto connect to work) still connect to the AS without any problem, but when I try to create new users and install the new V1.8.3 OpenVPN Connect client, they all end up in a permanent "Connecting" state.
I have tried to overwrite, as well as remove, the old V1.7 Client before installing the new client. Both options didn't work.
I have tried a new user. Download and install work through the web interface, but no connection is made. I can login through the website, but I cannot connect through the website.
What is the proper way to upgrade Clients?
Are any changes to AS required for the new clients to be able to connect?
Are any V1.7 conf settings no longer supported?

Any help would be highly appreciated.
Cheers, Gary

Re: New clients will not connect to AS 1.8.3

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:39 am
by swg0101
Can you try uninstalling the client again, and make sure that the "OpenVPN Technologies" folder in Program Files is removed prior to reinstalling?
In addition, check your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) and clear any OpenVPN entries that you may see there.
Good luck. :)

Re: New clients will not connect to AS 1.8.3

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:33 pm
by garya
Thank you for your suggestions.
I uninstalled the Client and made sure the "OpenVPN Technologies" was removed completely (it was removed by the Windows uninstall programs). I as well made sure there weren't any OpenVPN entries in the hosts file. I restarted the machine, and checked again. I then created a brand spanking new user in AS, and installed the Client using this user's credentials. I disabled the Anti-Virus (Sophos) as it did complain about some breach. Download and installation went OK but as soon as the actual connection is being established things stall again. I will continue my quest Tomorrow

Re: New clients will not connect to AS 1.8.3

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:04 pm
by swg0101
Ah - I remember Sophos was causing havoc on my machines before when I had behavioral protection enabled. Good luck, let us know how you do. :)

Re: New clients will not connect to AS 1.8.3

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:58 pm
by garya
I have found that even though the AS is configured to use multi daemon, it only connects on UDP. And since the firewall didn't allow UPD on the configured port that is where the buck stops. I have opened up the port and I am very happy with the performance. The old situation would re-connect ever few minutes, and now I have had a stable connection for several hours already. Thank you for your help again. :)

Re: New clients will not connect to AS 1.8.3

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:00 am
by swg0101
This shouldn't be the case, although UDP is tried much more heavily than TCP because running a VPN over TCP results in very poor performance on a slow link.