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A number of Clients (Windows) cannot connect to openvpn server

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:41 pm
by user1231zt173417654134
We have a very odd problem where two people using Windows cannot connect to the openvpn Server. For other people it's working fine. The reason i think this problem is related to openvpn is because these two people are using VPN from two different networks one of the person is inside a network where the VPN usually works.
The log is not showing any information it just shows, that everything is well until the TLS handshake. Before the client can establish the tls handshake the connection is timing out. I can see the initial requests in the server logs though. Does somebody have an idea?

Re: A number of Clients (Windows) cannot connect to openvpn server

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:15 pm
by openvpn_inc

Can you confirm you have latest version of OpenVPN Access Server and OpenVPN Connect?

At this point it would be good to know versions used on server and client side and the exact log errors. But to share those I would recommend to use our support ticket system, which is private, as opposed to a public forum.

Kind regards,