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FEATURE REQUEST: Allow renaming profiles in OpenVPN Connect

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:25 pm
by darryl
I'm using OpenVPN Connect, and I'm wondering how to rename the connection profile? In our case, we are using it with OpenVPN Access Server and we don't have a FQDN assigned to it, therefore, my connection profile says <IP ADDRESS> which isn't helpful to remember what network that happens to be. In OpenVPN GUI the profile would follow the filename, can this be added back? Another option to rename the connection profile from within the software would be ideal.

For the adventurous, you can set the friendly name in the variable "OVPN_ACCESS_SERVER_WSHOST" to equal a friendly name, then import the file and this will work, up until you connect :P

This along with not being able to connect to multiple networks at a time has forced me back to OpenVPN GUI which is superior in this respect.