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One Server - multiple clients

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:33 pm
by BDunbar

How do you manage multiple client connections from a linux host to different OpenVPN servers?

I'm an admin at a managed host provider - we have over 30 customers using OpenVPN.

Formerly, we'd been letting individual admins connect directly to the customer VPNs. Wanting to centralize that, we're requiring everyone to use either the Terminal Server (Winows) or our jump host (linux), which is under managed control in our data center.

Then the admins can do nifty things like use X11 forwarding to pipe RDP sessions from the jump host to their desktop, shell directly to a customer host, and so on.

What the admin is doing in shell is this

$ sudo openvpn /opt/vpn/$customer.ovpn

Which is great - but the next guy that comes along gets an IP conflict.

As far as I can tell our options are

1. Docker
2. Every admin gets their own jump host. This isn't totally ridiculous - we have on-premises capacity, and chef can keep the configurations square.
3. Something clever with OpenVPN

I'm hoping someone here can help me out with point three.

Thanks in advance.
