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Can't connect to OpenVPN AS

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:26 am
by dennish
Trying to connect to our newly setup OpenVPN server appliance using OpenVPN Connect v2.0.9.200. It keeps getting a timeout connecting to server. I don't see any logs on the client side (Windowws 10, the connect program doesn't list the logs option) and on the server side logs all it says is:

username=(my username)
DURATION and SERVICE are blank
All other fields are blank

We are using WiKID for 2 factor and appears to be working. When I first open a browser window to connect (connect not installed) I enter my username and the temp code and it logs in and tells me I need to download the client. If I enter the wrong p/w it doesn't work. Once I install the connect client when I try to connect it tries a few times and can't connect.