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Systemd service not configured to restart on failure

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:06 pm
by unoriginalnick
I'm curious if there's a reason the systemd service files included with the EPEL 7 repo is not configured to restart the service on failure. This seems like something that would generally be desirable, especially with unreliable internet connections. I'm considering submitting a bug report or pull request, but first wanted to see if it was a deliberate decision not to do this.

Re: Systemd service not configured to restart on failure

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:24 pm
by TinCanTech
As you probably realise, OpenVPN is Free Open Source Software
and the developers are hard working, dedicated and knowledgeable volunteers.

For those developers, the integration of OpenVPN and systemd has focused on the changes
required within OpenVPN to work reliably with systemd and utilising systemd's security advantages.

Currently, due to the major release of OpenVPN 2.4 and OpenSSL 1.1, the developers have had
a considerable work load.

You are welcome to join the developer team if you have some time and skills to offer.
(You can find details on the OpenVPN wiki)

Hope that helps.